Never Again
I hope the ring you gave to her
Turns her finger green.
I hope when you´re in bed with her
You think of me
I would never wish bad things
but I don´t wish you well
Could you tell, by the flames that burned your words
I never read your letter, ´Cause I knew what you´d say
Give me that sunday school anwer, try to make it all OK.
Does it hurt, to know I´ll never be there
Bet it sucks, to see my face everywhere
It was you
who chose to end it like you did.
I was the last to know
You knew
Exactly what you would do
and don´t say you simply lost your way
She may believe you but I never will
Never again
If she really knows the truth,
She deserves you
A trophy wife, oh, how cute
Ignorance is bliss
But when your day comes
And he´s through with you
And he´ll be through with you
You´ll die toghether, but alone
You wrote me in a letter,
You couldn´t say it right to my face
Well, give me that sunday school answer
Repent yourself away!
Postat av: S
Fasen Linn, vi tänker rätt lika, speciellt med texter på låtar..
Jag älskar när jag hittar en text som verkligen passar in i tankarna just då, då lyssnar jag sönder den!
Fast man kan iofs aldrig spela sönder något..
Ha en toppen helg!
Postat av: Linn
S; Ja vi gör nog det :) Det är helt otroligt vad en text, som en annan människa skrivit, kan avspegla precis hur man mår eller vad man går igenom. Visst är det underbart?? :)Ha en kanon helg du med :) Puss o kram!